Day 11 - Code 0 Up

Donald Macdonald
Sat 18 May 2024 20:24
Yesterday we reduced last day watch to 3 hours so we are keeping end of that one as dinner just before it gets dark. We are now only 4 hours behind UK. Do not expect another time correction before Azores,
Last night was slow again. As night went on we got slightly more breeze and direction veered making it all good to hoist the Code 0. It has been flying all day and we expect it to be up all night too. When true wind speed is 7-8 knots we are doing 6 knots and when we have 10 regularly into the 7's.
Today we have done 1000nm from Antigua and sailed nearly 1100 over the ground at that point. 1243nm to go and still making more north than to our destination. Overnight we should start going east a bit if the wind veers as forecast.
A few bits of general boat husbandry done today. Aft locker/rudder area checked and dried out, split pins and shackles around boat checked for security, box of food tins removed from forward cabin to aft as when we require it maybe a bit difficult bouncing around getting it out.
Dinner tonight will be a mix of chunky vegetable soup and chicken in white sauce, cheese, fresh baguette and then sliced pears in juice.