Nanny Cay - Day 0

Donald Macdonald
Sun 31 Mar 2024 18:21
Position: 18.23N 64.38W
Yesterday we went to Garden Cane Bay for the night. It was a very pleasant and a large choice of restaurants and far more reasonable than Little Harbour.
Today we sailed then motored to Nanny Cay marina. Since arriving here it has done nothing but rain. The boat deck had extra water from the hose to clean the decks of the grit that accumulated when we were at Port Zante on the outside wall. Noticed a small leak from a sealed window, no idea how it is getting in. Investigations required will need to be fixed before return across the Atlantic in May.
The dropped screw has been sourced in the chandlery. Bought 2 in case one dropped again. No spare anode though. Tomorrow may find a place to anchor close by to fit the anode.
Also tomorrow we will register for the regatta and festival races. Lots of the marks are islands so will be interesting for us none locals as to how close we can go and not find a rogue rock.
Stopped raining now, may get sunshine soon.