Day 10 - Very Slow day

Donald Macdonald
Wed 24 Jan 2024 18:03
The last 24 hours in water covered have been very slow, just 104nm. During this time a few gybes have been done with the added complication of goose winging the jib and having sheets from the furling jib (not using, saving life of it) attached. Most day light hours have beeen slower than night with highs of 4 knots averaging 2.5-3 knots. At the 1600 watch change the wind was backing so another gybe. Wind kept backing so came harder onto the wind, pole put away, wind building now doing 6 knots. In the next 30 minutes wind kept building so reefs 1 & 2 went in 15 minutes apart. now we have boat speed of 8-9 knots with 20 knots breeze just forward of the beam. The wind we have now is not on our forecast so maybe short lived but enjoying whilst we have it.
Problem with Harold Snr sorted. During the night investigated the Hercules system ethernet data, on this Rudder position was being shown although a 'OFF' indication in a box after a bit of faffing (Andrew Hartley style) pressed the information box 'OFF' disapeared and pilot controllers had numbers instead of dashes. During the 0800 watch change reverted to Harold Snr steering us. So far so good, Harold Jnr can now go back to bed and rest.
The cabin is now feeling very warm all the time even though we are not getting enough sunshine for descent solar charging. Hot and sweaty so more difficult sleeping.
A little bit of whipping done at end of gybe preventer line to stop further fraying of outer cover and slipping back.
Dinner this evening will be Irish Stew, carrots, baguette, cheese and then pineapple slices,