Day7 -Lots of sail trimming - No new breakages

Donald Macdonald
Fri 9 Jun 2023 17:34
Position: 40.21.626N 23.06.960W
We see sunshine today, not rain, very pleasant and helps charge the batteries they were down on 70% with fuel cell alone it does not have enough output to keep up with demand. The fuel cell also set up in automatic mode so des not start its business until they are at 12.3V, perhaps I should change to 12.4V. When cell detects another charge source goes into standby. Today with sun out the solar panel has done all the cbharging and as of 16.30 at 92% so all good.
Not much sleep overnight as sails needed looking after with reefs in and out and trimming to keep the course the same with the wind shifts. Had a respite mid-morning then looked out about 1200 and saw some very dark clouds coming this way and having a wind direction almost 90 degrees from where it should and unable to make San Miguel. It was quickly put on wet weather gear to get reef in, good job did early as 12-13 knots went to 20-22 with a bang. Rain passed behind and the wind started moving to predicted direction. Been constant sail trim and altering Harold Jnr to keep direction we require. Reef to come out soon.
The way things have gone all afternoon with 40 degree shifts in the wind with the gradual lift will not get any rest tonight and am already a little tired.
Dinner will be beef casserole, last of pitta bread, cheese followed with half pears in juice. Snacks garibaldi biscuits, Haribo supermix and a crunchie bar.
Over 1020nm done trip and 1060nm through the water a lot of small currents against us.