Day 2 - Ponta Delgada

Our 1st day in marina proper was full on cleaning and maintenance before well wanted shower to clean 3 weeks of grime off.
Boat was initially fresh water washed down, then main cabin carpets removed and cleaned on pontoon. The floorboards were lifted to dry any water in there, of which there was a little. The heads were cleaned as well as the galley. Dinghy
and bike put on deck to make room to use the main bunks. The forward bunk opened to dry out the little pools of water there from a leak somewhere still not confirmed from where. Next job was checking what rations we had for the next leg. We have enough tins for main courses a lot got when in St Maarten & BVI’s when there was a good selection around. We
were short of tinned fruit needing another 6 days if we are victualing for 11 days nxt leg. Had to and find a hypermarket yesterday for the tinned fruit as none of the local ones had any. The big store did not have a great selection, we will see what half
peached will be like, no pears or madarins. Yesterday 2 screws from plate under inner forestay deck fitting removed as showed signs of rust to reseal them incase they are the cause of the leak. Rust around various metal
fitting cleaned off. Outhaul for main replaced with a none stretching line. The mainsail and jib repair I was hoping to get done on this stop over will not happen as the main sail repairer is on holiday and the chandlery who do it have a back log of over
a week so we will have to nurse the sails back to UK as they are. This morning and all night there has/is some exceptionally heavy rainfall. No outside jobs until this afternoon when it should stop and get some sunshine. Next job is cleanout
the coolbox and check we have enough cheese to get back to UK, plus orange juice and milk. |