Day 6 - Wind Starting to Veer

Donald Macdonald
Sat 20 Jan 2024 17:15
Position: 23.56N 26.10W

Night sailing was very pleasant without the anticipated gusts to 30 knots and the sea a little flatter. Most of the day has been sunshine with 16-18 knots just aft of the beam. This afternoon saw 3 storm cells develop in front of us. In a shoert sapce of time rain, low clouds, big seas and 30 knots to deal with. Lasted about 15 minutes now the wind has veered 40 degrees so now sailing 150 TWA sill with the big swell. At times it is great as Harold catches a wave and we surf ot 13+ knots still with 3 reefs in the main. Tomorrow we may need to gybe.

Today we added an hour to 2 of the day watches so the night ones line up better with the darkness. We do three 4 hour watches during the day and four 3 hour ones at night. Day watches now start at 0800UTC. Due this change future updates will probably be uploaded a couple of hours later.

Yesterdays dinner I had a bit of spillage with mine as a gust came and heeled us further and the kitchen top not being gimballed a chunky vegetable mess to clear up'

Tonights delight will probably cooked in dimness due watch change will be Chicken in white sauce, peas, carrots, mash with baguette and cheese followed by sliced pineapple in juice.