Day 13 - Rudder Stock Top Bearing fitting moving

Donald Macdonald
Sat 27 Jan 2024 17:46
Position: 21.28N 42.42W

Wind is shifting 30 degrees and strength variable between 7-13 knots, boat speed very variable 2.6 - 7 knots. In UK not a problem lots of land features affecting the weather, in the middle of the ocean no idea why it is happening especially without any clouds about and 24C, I was expecting nice steady direction and strength. I suspect a metrologist could explain the nuances though.

2 incidents of note during the night. First a flying fish came to visit, probably knocking itself out hitting something inbound to the cockpit where I saw it land, motionless. Easy to watch as clear night and full moon beaming down so you could read a book without a torch. Flying Fish was dispatched back to the sea. Second incident was whilst sitting on companionway seat started hearing a new type clunk when rolling the the sea doing 6 knots. Opened rudder area hatch cover and saw the top spherical bearing housing moving when pressure changes sides on rudder blade, also one of the alignment screws had come out. Went and got the sockets kit and set of spanners. 3 of the bolts holding the housing were loose, a little concering as these nuts were new nylocs. All bolts tightened and errant alignment screw refitted all clunking stopped.

For a day or so have been wondering why we keep being low of our intended track even when steering courses 5 degrees above. Today all became clear. Our navigation software gives headings as True heading and boat B&G system set up to Magnetic heading. Around UK waters not a problem Variation is around 0 degrees presently. The Variation where we are is 14 degrees west. B&G system changed to True heading as display data.

Not sure if it is today or just his party today.
Happy 70th Birthday to Chris Bowers from John and myself in mid-Atlantic.

Dinner Chunky vegetable soup, carrots, baguette, cheese and mandarins in juice,

PS. Emma Hartley chastised me over Christmas for not mentioning her birthday in the blog on 2nd November even though I was on my sick bed and John was the author of said blog. Emma your now mentioned.