Day 9 - Back to slow progress

Donald Macdonald
Thu 16 May 2024 20:41
Position: 26.48N 51.15W

Last 24 hours done 92nm over the ground and only 28nm nearer our destination due northerly track we are on and only doing 3 knots. 1448nm to destination, probably extra 150 to get north.

Night time is getting cooler, we may even say cold. Still 25C during day probably only drops to 20C at night. We are now north of the tropics so can expect cooler more unsettled weather.

Every forecast update for the last 4 days shows good wind just 2 days ahead when we run the routing. Every update puts the good wind still 2 days away and the klatest has it 3 days, Sunday we may get it. If this routing was done by someone I know I would think they are playing games with our minds and will to go on.

Yesterday John spotted a Portugese Man-O-war floating by, he is a long way from home normally around the Azores.

Dinner tonight will be John's favourite (not), Big Chunky vegetable soup, cheese, bread, mash and then tin of mixed fruit.