Day 14 - Frustrating Progress

Donald Macdonald
Sun 28 Jan 2024 19:17
Progress has not been as expected the wind has not increased and nor has veered as all models indicated. Often doing just 2 knots when expecting to be doing 6 or 7. Lots of rain today and on one gybe when we had a little wind tempoarily a wave got john on th eforedeck and got him soaked. Lucky a little bit of broken sunshine helped dry him out. The late day watch has nearly been all fine rain and this none helpful wind meaning regular gybes in attempt to stay on VMG for Antigua. Our weather program has been a bit of a failure the last few days in its predictions, the errors are random not a fixed bias so we can compensate.
Another flying fish found on the foredeck missing one of its wings, probably knocked off coming through pulpit.
As a bit busy here short blog.
Dinner should be Irish Stew, baguette, cheese and then sliced peaches if that is what the letter 'B' indicates on lid.