Marigot Bay to Marina Du Marin, Martinique

Donald Macdonald
Mon 11 Mar 2024 21:13
Last nigt Marigot Bay was the fullest we have seen it with nearly all the mooring buoys used and lots anchored near the beach.
This morning we left just after 8 for 30 mile trip north. In the bay no wind as we came out of the inlet started to so we both cowered below in the dry whilst Harold and the engine moved us along. After that bit of rain main and jib went up. Wind was a little up and down and mostly on the beam. Lots of rain showers came along whilst going up St Lucia. Once between the islands had a fast beam reach averaging 7 knots. We were near the marina at Marin a little before 2. VHF calls to Marina du Marin went unanswered, not sure if they had something against the English. We did get the idea the French were not be answered either eventually. It appears that the Capitannerie dock chaps have a lunch break with no fill ins. After 1400 2 boats were asssiting yachts to mooring buoys and marina berths although they were dealing with the French first although we were on site 20 minutes for them and then did the Belgiums. We are stern too with a bow line that you get after getting the tail fr
om the
Checking in was all good, although French keyboards have some letters in the wrong place for us Brits to fill in the customs declaration. No passport stamping so more days not counting in the rolling 90 in 180 days for being in the EU.
We plan to be here 3 nights as have washing to get done. Raining again now, it looks like we shall have rain everyday for the next week or so.