Day 9 - Harold not seeing Rudder Feedback position

Donald Macdonald
Tue 23 Jan 2024 21:18
Position: 22.58N 34.03W

Last 24 hours has seen winds getting lighter, now 4-7 knots 160 degrees TWA(True Wind Angle). To run a little more efficiently have poled out the jib so goosewinged. If racing spinnaker would be up but not sure would help too much with it collapsing and banging. We are making polars at the moment which is a surprise with extra weight onboard and a dirty bottom.

Mid afternoon Harold is regularly beeping to say Rudder Feedback position not available. Checked sensor, cleaned connector, rebooted Autopilot, auto sourced system and the Device List still has sensor available but states it is OFF, no idea at present how to get it on as never seen this before. Harold Junior has had to take over until a solution identified for senior.

Forehatch taped up last night to see if stops water coming in if we get good winds again and water breaking over the bow.

Today feeling very warm with light winds and sunshine. Not enough sunshine though for good battery charge.

Dinner was beef casserole, extra peas, cheese, baguette then refreshing tin of pears in juice