Day 3 - Around Ushant - Off continental shelf

Donald Macdonald
Sun 22 Oct 2023 19:57
Position: 47.13N 6.19W

Windy and wet getting around Ushant last night early morning. Sea was very lumpy near shore and starboard tack pacticularly horrible. Making it south now aiming for a point level with top of Spain and 11.5 degrees West. Seen upto 30 knot gusts so far, most of time about 20 knots. Waves are getting bigger probably 2.5 meters now. At time of writing engine is on helping us along as the 8-10 knots wind and waves only doing 3-4 knots and we still would like to be ahead of the big winds Thursday/Friday.

The big waves have caused a few waves over the deck and so far 2 fishes in cockpit.

Tightened bolt on forestay fitting today, suspect not enough as still leaking. Job for Las Palmas. Also another job, beef up the lee clothes as one pulled eye out and other not far off it. This means hot bunking now, so we always sleep in the leeward berth not to fall out.

John has recovered from his headache. Donald is still not great.

Dinner unknown as I"m off for a sleep.