Day 3 - Nanny Cay - Scrub Island Race

Donald Macdonald
Wed 3 Apr 2024 20:30

Today was a race to Scrub Island via Salt Island. 5 mile 1st beat. Single reef in. Start was very biased and luffing at the committee boat, 5 boats trying to get in the same place including us. Managed to luff hard and stop without overshooting committee boat going forward, bore away got round with others behind then tacked straight off for clear air. No obvious way up the beat and we went fully right to hopefully get a lift off the island there, instead got a lift going into the island. We tacked 50 meters from the shore and after a few hundred meters got the lift on starboard tack we were looking for.

It was slightly off wind once past Salt Island. Just before the bear away shook the reef out and fetched to Bluff point then it was downwind less than 2 miles into a cul-d-sac  so no kite hoisted especially as just doublehanded.

After the finish did not stay to go ashore at Scrub Island as the mooring field looked full and the marina looked shallow as just catamarans seen in there. We had a gentle downwind sail back under main only. When the wind dropped for a bit put the asymmetric up as when furled something had gone wrong. Unfurling was not a problem as expected especially as there was a kink in the torsion rope. Once sail flying tightened torsion rope and furled sail away without any problems.

Tomorrow is registration for the BVI Regatta, 3 days of short races. Will do some boat maintenance as leak above galley traced to stuck on window not so stuck. No plan to remove whole lot as if we break it will not have anything to put in place so plan to bodge and try and get some sealant/adhesive on it and then tape up all the edges to make watertight until back in UK.