Day 13 - Good 24 hours tracking towards destination
Donald Macdonald
Mon 20 May 2024 20:19
Last 24 hours 155nm nearer our destination having done 170nm over the ground. Been a very good angle to the wind 100-110 degrees apparent and averaging 14 knots. The wind has not backed as much as forecast so now we are having to go about 15 gegrees closer to the wind, speed will drop a little and get slightly more heel, bad for cooking. We do have a 1st reef in to keep things comfortable for Harold and when we get the 17-20 knot gusts. 945nm to go.
Last night mucked around with some of the calibration settings for boat speed through the water as always significantly different to SOG and in the middle of the Atlantic there should not be a current running. Also out a setting in for apparent wind angle as when going upwind both tacks have different readings on the instruments but the sails are set the same. This one will not know how much difference it has made if any until we get some upwind sailing in. Presently Harold is engaged in Heading mode and steers nicely, as opposed to in Wind mode (TWA), with these wind he does big S's and sometimes they get very large and almost gybes. Last night played with damping of sensor, made it go very wild at one stage, MAX damping is best, I think could do with more.
John did find his foul weather trousers and jacket and wore them last night on watch to keep warm. Big woolly hat and fleeces next I suspect the further north we go. Still 22 degrees outside same as the water temperature.
Dinner tonight chicken in whte sauce mixed with Big Vegetable soup, mash potato, cheese, baguette then pineapple chunks.