Antigua -Freemans Bay

Donald Macdonald
Sun 21 Apr 2024 17:47

Position: 17.02N 61.45W


Yesterday finished just after 2000 hrs. We then sailed to the anchorage outside Jolly Harbour and anchored in 4 meters of water. Good holding and that was the 1st time we have deployed the anchor in the dark. This morning left at 0700 and motor sailed to English Harbour on the way we went through a lot of Classic Yachts doing the last day of there regatta. One boat counted 25 crew, sure there was more, all theses hands required to sweat the sails up as no winches onboard.

Freemans Bay is quite crowded and took some time to locate a spot we were happy with. 1st drop of the anchor was not a success as boulders and stones and unable to dig in. Moved a little found some sand. Been ashore for Customs and Immigration.

The aft pulpit with broken stud removed, on removal a 2nd stud sheared, only 3 legs on the pulpit. Tomorrow hopefully find somewhere where we can get it repaired.

Tonight a little get together at the Antigua Yacht Club for us Les Voiles Unofficial racers.