Day 9 Marina du Marin

Donald Macdonald
Wed 20 Mar 2024 11:41
Lazy time in the marina. There has been a lot of activity with the charter catamarans changing over. More washing done including stuff forgot to do last time around.
We are planning to leave here in a few hours for St Kitts & Nevis which we will probably have to anchor as very limited marina berths, 40 i think, plus they have not replied by email or phone. We are expecting to do some motoring as forecast for a calm period and we shall be in the lee of Guadeloupe again. We also need to give Montserrat a bit of a berth as she has a volcano exclusion zone activated as there has been some rumblings there. Travel time expected to be a day and a half.
Another update may go out later today when we are on the move