Day 0 - Sint Maarten again

Donald Macdonald
Wed 10 Apr 2024 21:21


Position: 18.20N 63.53W

The sail to St Maarten stayed windy and the confused seas stayed until the last 20 miles. We arrived in the bay a little early at 0600. The anchor was dropped and we had breakfast and a few cups of coffee and a little snooze before inbound bridge opening at 0930.

In different part of marina so had to drop anchor and reverse to dock. The whole manoeuvre was a little tricky with a quartering wind and very tight to get anchor dropped other side next to boats there. In now and been getting 25 knot gusts and we were moving a lot s others around us. A few more warps to other boats and it seems to have settled down.

Water still getting in the fore cabin and unable to fathom where it is coming from. All dried out now. Return trip to Europe will ensure only items that do not get affected by the wet in there.

On trip here noticed a block that controls the line fore the spinnaker pole end on the mast track was flying around. The screws attaching it appear too short and have elongated the hole slightly coming out. New longer screws installed with some thread locker to keep them in place with any luck.

Tomorrow forecast to be a little wet  may restrict what gets done.