Day 10 - Still slow

Donald Macdonald
Fri 17 May 2024 20:49
Progress still painfully slow and no signs of improvement for, yes, another 3 days. 1357nm to go.
Last night we thought we saw some navigation lights, in the distance, may have been a star as nothing on AIS. At daylight we could see it was a yacht with white sails. We did overhaul during the morning then it tacked off and gone out of view. Closest to us was probably 3 miles.
At night when the moon has gone down the Milky Way can be identified easily, not sure I have readily identified it before. Every night see shooting stars, no really bright ones seen to date and if sky clear enough afrer the sun has gone down or before it comes up satellites can be seen whizzing by.
Today opened up a box with rusted tins to put food in the galley as empty, one tin looks like it leaked but unable to confirm which one. The was a lot of mold growing in the box. All cleaned up now and the cans.
Dinner tonight will be a mixture of cans to use odd ones up due to leaking ones disposed of previously. Therefore will be big soup Beef & Veg, big soup Chicken & Veg, beef casserole (tin I think has leaked), cheese, freshly cooked baguette and then pinapple chunks.