Day 2 - Nanny Cay Marina - Round Tortola Race

Donald Macdonald
Tue 2 Apr 2024 20:57

Left dock a little after 9 for 1015 warning signal. Once outside a little windier than forecast so a reef required. The 1st leg was a perfect beat 7.5nm. It took us a little over 2 hours to get past Bluff Point, then it was offwind through some narrow channels. The asymmetric was put on and once clear of the narrow passages deployed it. Most of the time between 140-150 true wind and 20 knots true. When catch the waves did get some surfing in saw 14 knots once often above 12. The gybe worked well as had to let Harold steer for a bit so the main could be brought in before going dead downwind to let the spinnaker go around the front of the forestay. About 1.5nn from end of Island the wind shifted and could not make the corner, saw a couple of boats broach in front so bore away a little to drop the spinnaker and get the jib out.

The final 5 mile beat to the finish was still in 20 knots and a horrible short chop that I could not get through well on port tack, very good on starboard though. 37nm miles covered in just under 5 hours.

Somehow we managed a mid-fleet finish on corrected time of 4th out of 10.

Tomorrow is a short race to Scrub Island, all upwind. We stop there as it is a holiday club and we have complimentary entrance although drinks will not be.