Day 10 - Another day at sea

Donald Macdonald
Wed 1 Nov 2023 11:01
Position: 34.35N 13.19W

Wednesday 1st November

Just like London busses, you wait for hours and then two come along together. Yes the guest author gets another go! Hopefully normal service will resume shortly. Unfortunately, there is no sign of that yet, with Donald still layed out in his bunk.

It is champagne sailing conditions currently, with the sun shinning, warm and 11-14 knots of wind, allowing a fast fetch. The wind is expected to increase tonight and veer to give us fast running conditions from here on in, but with quite large waves.

To add to the breakages list, we found today that despite the strong sunshine, we are getting very little charge. Not my area of expertise, especially when all the wires are hidden behind everything we have stored on the boat. Further investigation will have to wait on Donald and probably not until we are in port.

Probably going to be soup tonight as I doubt Donald would be able to eat anything heavier.
