Day 1 - Leaving Poole

Donald Macdonald
Sun 22 Oct 2023 17:15
Position: 50.21N 2.13W

A much appreciated send off from all those on the pontoon. Thank you.

Once out of the harbour we had another group of well wishers, the cruising fleet, who also had a postponement for racing,

We did not have to motor for long before able to get in sailing mode, with the heavy weather jib up. Good when above 12 knots but a little soft below. Wind is not quite from direction forecast so a little behind planned route. The sea has had a strange motion and both of us have not felt the best,

One breakage already. The retaining line at bottom of mast that secures the unused halyards down broke, A new line already spliced with 2 loops and fitted.

No cooking this evening because of above. Already eaten some flapjacks and chocolate. 1800 this evening started 3 hour night watches and daytime will be 4 hours, John on 1st.