Day 11 - Motoring Again

Donald Macdonald
Thu 25 Jan 2024 20:38
Position: 22.36N 38.08W

As soon as last nights blog sent 3rd reef had to go in. About an hour later all were out again, that was the trend for the night. By morning 16 reefs were put in or out, no complaints as speed was good 8 knots average. As daylight came wind started its decline until 1900 hrs when we had mill pond conditions. The apprehesion of would the engine start reared itself, well at least in my head it did. No problem, started a treat, now back so mopping sump of leaking oil every watch change. We are hoping forecast is correct and we will be sailing by 0900hrs tomorrow (Friday).

The galley needed stocking of the next weeks meals during the afternoon. Only a couple days left in boxes in forepeak so needed to open up the bilges to find more. We were short of vegetables and John thought they were either in forward starboard recess or port. Neither were correct so looked in each not there, all this done by feeling the cans as wrapped in multiple bags to keep water out, which we failed going to Gran Canaria where we also had a lot of water ingress. We ended up in the recess that John did not think he had put anything in. Memory goes bad when you get older, I am told. We took cans out and some were leaking from the rust. That whole bag was removed to the deck and emptied, cans dried and 7 had leaked did include a main meal and 3 fruit that were discarded. Suspect we will have similar problemd in other bags and will be dealt with at a later date. Some cans removed are in particularly bad state so are dictating daily menus.

Some more minor maintenance done to resecure, by sewing, the dounut on the port spinnaker line as was not staying next to snap shackle. These lines are used when we pole out the jib when goosewinged incase it came to your notice we have not put a spinnaker up.

Dinner. Beef Casserole, carrots, baguette, cheese and pineapple rings again.