Day 1 - Sint Maarten

Donald Macdonald
Tue 27 Feb 2024 21:25
Position: 18.02N 63.06W
Very good trip to Sint Maarten over night. All did 2 hours on 4 hours off, Harold steering. Emma had the 1st watch and a cloud came over and wind went from 10-12 knots to 20, not ideal. I did feel things changing and woke and staright on deck to put a reef 1 in. The boat then under control again. About 10 minutes later the wind was back to where it should be and reef came out, then back to bed for me.
We needed to slow down at the end to ensure arrived in daylight to anchor in Simpson Bay, which was 0700. Tried contacting Marina by radio to see if we could go in early and get the 0930 bridge lift. At 0920 did expensive phone call and all was good to go in so rapid anchor up and motor 0.5nm to bridge and call bridge operator for pemission to enter. All worked out.
We have had problems connecting shore power. Whilst that was being done I had gone off to Customs and Immigration to check in, took nearly an hour. On getting back to the boat told that power is good to end of our lead by John and boat will not accept it, cleaned up connectors having taken lead and boat one to bits. On connecting power a noise heard, traced to shore power relay. On checking power there only 129vac and not expected 240vac. Further investigations indicated that the adapter cable supplied by marina was faulty and John had been told porky's so led me off in wrong direction for nearly 2 hours getting access to things. After another 6 hours marina have finally come up with serviceable adapter. Beers can now stay cold in the fridge.
Tomorrow race registration and I may get some laundry done.