Day 2 - Very Hot and Sweaty below

Donald Macdonald
Thu 9 May 2024 20:05
Yesterday after the blog got the latest weather and I did not feel perfect from the motion. I went up on deck to clear the feeling with a 20 minute nap. The wind had got up a bit more so we put a reef in and it was dark. John not too worried about cooking so no main meal yesterday just sweets, chocolate and biscuits.
As the night went on the wind did lessen in strength and so did erratic wind direction. Our course to San Miguel is 050 and since the tack last night have been doing between 015 - 070 and still 2152nm to go. We are very happy that the last 24 hours we have kept moving normally between 4.0 - 4.5 knots. Last forecast we had suggested we would need to motor 8 days if boat speed less than 3 knots, we only had 4 days of fuel when we left Antigua so it may be June before we get to the Azores.
Down here in the cabin is very hot and sweaty not at all condusive to sleeping, far nicer on deck especially at night.
Not long before getting dark last night youcould be lots of birds flying close to the ocean and diving in. When we were closer lots of big fish could be seen jumping out of the water, too big for the birds so there must have been smaller fish there for te birds dinner,
Talking of dinner this evening it will be ravioli, peas, cheese, couple thick slices of bread the mandarins in juice.