Day 12 - Early morning Sail

Donald Macdonald
Fri 26 Jan 2024 19:32
As anticipated we motored all night and at 0700 there was enough wind to sail so off went the iron sail and up withy the fabric ones. With this initial wind were some squalls so a reef went in for about 10 minutes. It has taken about 8 hours for the wind to be less variable in direction and strength. Presently on the beam 10-12 knots and doing 6.5 - 7 knots, this should like this for the next 24 hours. Wrote the previous bit a few hours ago, since then very frustrating as the wind has not been kind and we were down to doing just 2 knots for a while, marginally better now at 4.
No rain or thunder activity forecast. 2 nights ago there was lightening all around us for the whole night, only one cell looked threatening to us so went up 30 degrees to avoid it.
Engine still has an oil leak from front end somewhere. The fuel leak on No1 injector area did not show up on this 12 hour run,
For maintenance the weak link piece of string in the gybe preventer was shortened as the lines on the boom had drooped a bit and a garroting possible. Took ages to get the knots undone but what else did I have to do whilst motoring along on a bright moonlight night. Mainsail bottom car to mast broken. Do have a spare for full batten car which has been adapted to attach to loop on main.
Dinner chicken in white sauce, carrots, cheese, baguette then pear halves.
PS. John has been offered to do these blogs as guest author but feels it would give people a shock thinking I was taken off my No1 game again and he was being nurse,