En route suwatu

Wed 16 Aug 2023 19:34
15 46.9S 154 25.7W

TWS 22 twa 170 speed 7knts
526 miles left to run

Having hoped we’d get into Mapiti we had to bail on that plan when it became evident the swell was too big for the channel. Is notoriously difficult with a strong flow at all times and surf breaks across the entrance in greater than 2m. It’s 2.5m. We passed close by and got a good look but have now committed to another 5 or so days at sea to get us into the N cook island of Suwatu. 
Another fail for the forecast. Was meant to be 10-15 and we were a little worried it would be light for good DW sailing. We’re regularly seeing gusts of 29 knots and is solid above 20. The sea is pretty leary again and we’re rolling around. Katie did the watch last night but I didn’t get much sleep either as the roll is so violent. We’re flying along tho, probably done over 160 miles in last 24hrs so should be a rapid passage. 

Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora were fantastic. Would definitely have been good to have longer to explore, I think I could spend a whole season there. Amazing fringing reefs and mountains. Didn’t get as much surf as I’d have liked but still some good session. Katie is on the verge of cracking pumping the foil behind the tender. Is a really good foiling scene there. 

Just passing a tiny little uninhabited atoll but means we get free Starlink Data! Will have it turn on the expensive stuff for the next few days to keep you updated!