Day 5 Katie.

Sun 19 Mar 2023 21:35
Position 31 32.77N 28 43.27W
Heading 215 degrees
TWS 17.5knots, TWA 130, speed 6.5 - 7 knots
After leaving the Azores in a force 8, followed by a hard beat into 20kts, it was hard to believe we would ever find nice conditions aboard Moonshiner. Where on earth is this so called ‘champagne sailing’ they all speak of??
Last night was tough, beating hard against a southerly on port tack, moonshiner was well powered up with 2 reefs. Chris very accurately described the experience down below like being in a battle field with the constant pounding and slamming.
Finally today around sunrise, the windy beat was over. Chris experienced a royal soaking before the northerly filled in…hurrah.
So today really has been the first of many I hope, sunshine, blue skies, nice broad reach etc etc.
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