Day 16 Pipes and poles.

Sat 3 Jun 2023 01:13
Course 230
5.5 knots, TWS 12.5, TWA 140
417 miles to run.
Wind dropped though the day leading to various sail configurations each with a dwindling speed. Have broken the carbon pole again which is frustrating, I’m hopeful I’ll be able to fix it again but not until we arrive. It takes out the option for 2 poled out head sails which is how we have been running most of today.
The morning was spent head down inside the galley trying to sort the plumbing. Successfully i might add. Was another big plug of crap in the change over valve and then lots of grit in the filter on the pump. All working much better now and we’re back on the starboard tank so hopefully plenty left in there.
Pray the wind holds out for us…………..
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