Fwd: San Blas

Mon 1 May 2023 21:29

Begin forwarded message:

From: katie Flower <kt_f {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} com>
Date: 1 May 2023 at 17:10:32 GMT-4
To: Mailasail <moonshiner {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com>
Subject: San Blas

09 34.3N 78 44.0W

If heaven was a place on earth…San Blas could be it!
Our mini break in the San Blas islands is coming to an end, we’ve just pulled the anchor and are navigating back out between the coral reefs.
We’ve really had a taste for the good life now, some of the best snorkelling I’ve ever done, washed down with fresh passion fruit daiquiris and wahoo ceviche, as my good friend Alice told me…’make sure it’s imprinted in your mind for when you’re back at work and need somewhere to day dream about’, that’s noted.
Yesterday was a wet weather day but with it came the occasional burst of wind so we managed to get some foiling in amongst the vicious lighting and torrential rain.
We’ve given the hull a scrub and done a food stock take prior to our pacific crossing.
So it’s a night sail back to Shelter Bay to await our inspection tomorrow with a provisional slot for Thursday.

Sent from my iPhone