
Thu 4 May 2023 23:06
09 33.5N 79 39.9W
After a night in Shelter Bay anchorage we have sailed north to Portobello. Only 18nm up the coast but a world away from the world of container ships. Had 20kts on the nose with full main, Yankee and staysail up, needless to say the rail was well and truly underwater most of the way, she went along at 5-6kts which ain’t bad for the old girl up wind with a 35degree apparent wind angle.
Portobello is a beautiful harbour discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1502. It has beautiful old fortifications, and was one of the most important ports for gold and silver exports to Saville.
Lush cliffs with dense jungle line the northern side and there’s a loud chorus of howler monkeys as the sun sets over the hill. Lots of old dead yachts sunken in the shallow waters, always a sad sight, lost dreams I suppose.
Found fillet steak in the Colon supermarket so the BBQ is about to be lit. You know it’s too hot when you have to put the red wine in the fridge before dinner!
We have a confirmed transit date for the 7th!
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