Wind and whales.
Tue 23 May 2023 00:11
03 19.77s 104 12.19W
Speed 7, TWS 16, TWD 120
Course 253
Has been a windy day, the most yet on this crossing. Pretty solid 23-25 knots. Moonshiners been fizzing along with a double reefed main and full yankee. Regularly hitting 8 knots. Is dropping now so about time to get a beer out for sun downer but might
shake the reefs out first. Not sure how much difference the main makes as we’re still doing 7ish knots. Think some of that is current though.
Had a magical visit from a very big whale. Not sure what kind, they just showed up close behind us as we were having lunch. Also a big pod of pilot whales this afternoon. Nether seemed to have any interest in the boat so we rapidly left them behind.
My bread is getting pretty good and Katie made a lime and passion fruit cake so life aboard isn’t too shabby.