Day 4 Caribbean Sea

Fri 21 Apr 2023 18:17
TWA 160 TWS 10
Sorry for the brief blog entries, Ben was feeling too sick and I’ve been keeping the galley open for business.
So we are day 4 in the Caribbean Sea, this morning we took down the mainsail, jibed the Yankee and hoisted the asymetric on the SB side. Wind is dropping, now only 10kts but boat speed around 5-6kts. After heading on a SW track yesterday we have turned West (insurance doesn’t cover Venezuela) to stay off shore but hopefully we will still gain the wind accelerated past the NE Colombian peninsula.
When I did my medical elective in British Guyana in 2012, I travelled through Cartagena in Columbia, a beautiful old colonial city within a walled fortress. Since then I’ve always dreamed of sailing in there one day, I guess I’ll have to settle for sailing past it instead…next time aye?!
Everyone is feeling much better today, no retching has been heard and everyone is able to bear the galley. Just had fish and fresh bread for lunch, Ben made his first loaf of bread, hopefully the first of many, it was delicious and definitely worth increasing the cabin temperature from 29-31degrees (might have a different opinion when trying to sleep later).
We are expecting a couple of days of very light winds which might mean a bit of motoring.
Just for the record, I’ll list the repairs taken place in the Caribbean to get us fit for this leg. Thanks to Ryan and Steve, couldn’t have done it without you, sorry dad if you felt we just sailed you to beautiful anchorages in order to fix the boat (apparently that’s just cruising).
List of repairs:
Autohelm (re-wired clutch to 12v - that had better be the last repair)
Spinnaker pole (epoxied end back on) - still in tact
Repairs to second jib and spinnaker
Re-wired alternator (wasn’t charging)
Taken one alternator belt off (couldn’t get both to fit) - trial ongoing
Fit Skylink antenna
Fixed Port sea berth
Fitted fan to forepeak
Replaced mast packing
Made hoist for dinghy
Repaired outboard
Adjusted lea cloths
Replaced seals on forepeak hatch
Removed broken mast step
Added to chaff guard to Yankee halyard (exit from mast)
Calibrated log, compass, autohelm
Rig inspection
Switched winches
Repaired running back stay
So there you go, not all pinacoladas and foiling!
652nm to go.
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