Day 16
Fri 31 Mar 2023 12:42
COG 275 Speed 7kts
TWA90 TWS 18
Finally some proper wind has filled in nicely from the NE giving us a speed of between 6-7kts, albeit incredibly rolley again. News on the fishing front, a flying fish had taken resident on the foredeck overnight so we used it as bait combined with the lure…we hooked a beautiful Mahi Mahi, Ben was winding it in with Chris ready to hook, everyone celebrating and salivating, then suddenly it jumped back off and was gone! So fish count = 0.
The temperature continues to climb, we are now doing our watches in t-shirts and shorts over night. We’ve continued our 2hr on 8 off watch system which is tough at night what with the hand steering burden but everyone seems to be enjoying the sense of purpose and structure to the day.
I successfully baked a banana cake yesterday with the remaining very black bananas and Ona is smashing the bread making. We are officially out of fresh produce bar 2 sticks of celery (that wins the survival of the fittest) so we’ll be getting creative with the tinned variety for the foreseeable.
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