Land Ho! Day 20

Tue 6 Jun 2023 00:14
10 28.23S 137 56.32w 3.5 knots on 257 TWS 8 TWA 170 Has been a funny day. We seem to have sailed pretty well in far less wind that we thought we could. Have managed 3.5-4 knots for most of the day in 6-8knots of breeze behind us. Our apparent wind has been 2 knots at times! Is clearly a good w’ly current but we’ll take it! Had actually been very peaceful and pleasant. The sea has totally flattened off, the boat is almost still with the odd rock as we glide through the water. Is really nice to see land, is still 42 miles away - it must be high! So won’t be there until tomorrow morning, we may even need to out the brakes on in the night to ensure we arrive in the light. An important job this afternoon has been getting the floor boards up to free the wine stored there. We have about 40 bottles left so it’s now out of the bilge and in easy access ready for drinking. The good times really are nearly upon us! |