
Thu 20 Jul 2023 06:09
15 48.12S 146 9.18W

A magical little lagoon on the west end of Toau. It’s not a pass into the atoll so is little or no tidal flow. Also a set of mooring buoys maintained by a local couple are very welcome. They Cooked us dinner last night. Amazing fish. Sat with a French couple who are on a performance 45’ cat. They’re doing 220 miles a day and have seen no bad weather since leaving France 3 years ago!!

Access out round the reef and into the ocean is doable on the foil. I’ve had an amazing 3 session wing foil day. Managed some of the longest gliding runs downwind just flagging the wing. At least a couple of hundred metres regularly and one or 2 much longer. Had some mega crashes dropping into steep swells. All feels a bit intimidating well out in the Pacific Ocean 

Katie is a bit under the weather with a bad stomach. I had a minor dose of it a couple of days ago. Plan tomorrow is to leave for the 130 miles passage to Makatea but will abandon if Katie’s not right tomorrow. Tahiti is about 220 miles away so probably just about doable with a single night is we decide to go direct. We both hate hand steering at night! 

Looking forward to Tahiti. Be nice to see some civilisation and apparently some good biking.