Day 19

Sun 2 Apr 2023 15:53
Speed 6.5 knots, TWS 18, TWA 180
Trip odometer 2074
670 miles left to run
Has been an a exhilarating 24hrs, we’ve managed just over 160 miles. Wind really filled in over night, i did the 2-4 shift and had sustained periods of over 30 knots. We were just running with the full Yankee. Had some great surfing, managed 11 knots of water speed, 13 knots on the gps.
Tough living on the boat though, not much sleep had as we were all rolling around likes beans in a box so everyone looking a bit jaded today. Wind has moderated a fair bit so after a gybe this morning we’re now on poled out Yankee and stay sail opposite. First time we’ve tried this and not convinced the stay sail makes much difference, our pole for that is a bit short.
Mums pumpkin soup for lunch and a rotouille defrosting for dinner. Really nice to have the frozen stuff when its this rolley and difficult to cook.
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