Day 2 Pacific crossing

Wed 10 May 2023 16:20
After just over 24hrs anchored off Isla Flamenco in Panama City, we managed to reorganise Moonshiner. This involved; Davits back on, tender moved from foredeck to Davits, cushions/boards removed from protecting solar panels, board rack/BBQ back on, refuel with water/diesel.
We briefly explored the old town where the boys found IPA and I found pisco sours. Had a great meal in a trendy Latino restaurant and did a huge provision the next day with an ugly hangover in 36degree heat involving 5 taxis, 6 IKEA bags full of food, a large CO2 canister (don’t ask) and 3 McDonald’s….we’re still feeling guilty.
At 7pm on the 8th May, we pulled up the anchor at sunset and tentatively set sail, navigating between the rows of container ships and fast moving pilot boats….not easy in the dark.
We were rushing to make the tail end of a northerly breeze which is fairly rare out of Panama, often there is no wind between Panama and the Galapagos. We were making 8kts with the main and asymmetric plus some current. Unfortunately the wind only lasted for 24hrs and so the engine went on at 7pm last night which I anticipate will stay on for the next 4 days until we pick up the south easterly.
It has completely glassed off, this is when you notice all the plastic floating around. Ryan thought he was hallucinating when he saw a bird standing on the water about 20m from the boat, turned out to be a bird stood on a large floating log!
We have moved to single person watches over night, now we are clear of the shipping. I did the first shift last night, uneventful other than a heavy downpour. The stars and moon are brighter than ever, our wake is full of phosphorescence and if you go to the loo at night without the light on and flush it with sea water, the toilet fills up with a million stars…it really livens up the loo!
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