Fair well Horta

Wed 15 Mar 2023 07:50
Faial has been good to us, we’ve met some great people, friends for life. Katie has nailed winging and we’ve got a much improved Moonshiner. Admiral insurance has put right all of our damage, Katie has varnished all of the wood and we’ve spent yet more money on some improvements.
I’d like to list the work we’ve done here. Hopefully i can remember most of it. Will be a good reminder.
Autohelm drive unit repaired with new gears
All saloon windows removed and rebedded
Port lights removed and rebedded
New hatches in saloon, heads, galley and chart table
New forward small spray hood
New main cockpit spray hood
Boom crutch removed and repaired
All coach roof fittings removed and resealed
Headlining dropped, repaired and replaced.
New upholstery for saloon
New cockpit cushions
New solar gantry and rain water collection system
Davits removed and replaced. Board rack added.
Mast head instruments and lights replaced
Navigation lights replaced
New 12 and 24v battery chargers
New 12 and 24 MPPT solar controllers.
Rutland wind genny replaced
New chart plotter at Nav station networked with cockpit
AIS replaced
Windlass repaired, cockpit controls removed.
Switch board surround improved
All woodwork sanded and varnished inc floor boards.
Floors repainted
B&G depth gauge replaced and moved.
Main halyard replaced
We decided to invite some crew along. The resilience that Steve, Mike and Tom added on the crossing here was huge and I don’t think Katie and i are ready to go without the support in case of more boat malfunction, especially the autohelm.
Father and son, Chris and Matt along with Ona arrived a few days ago. Chris as good experience, with Matt well knowing his way around boats and Ona having done little. Managing 3 unknowns on the boat will I’m sure present other challenges but we all seem to have gelled well so far.
Off to Peters for a final Faial meal now and then will see what the morning brings. I’ll do my utmost to blog a minimum of position every day.
Antigua here we come.
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