Sailing season 2019 begins
Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Mon 10 Jun 2019 08:31
After a trouble free launch at CLEOPATRA early June we spent a few pleasant days on the Quay at Prevaza, just across the water. Provisioning finished and cleaning well on the way we set off through the Lefkas channel to drop our hook in Tranquil Bay. Perfect timing for the bridge opening into the Lefkas channel but there was some kind of problem and the bridge didn’t open to it’s full extent. The gap was very small and since we were committed we squeezed through with only a couple of feet to spare ! Once through, we had a lovely gentle sail to the anchorage and a dip in the sea to cool off, our first of the summer. BREAKING NEWS Blue Magic is for SALE Follow this link for more details Sent from my iPhone |