Quiz Night
First a big thank you to Bev & Martin for coming to see
us and bringing out a whole bag of goodies - spares for the boat, Marks and
Spencer biscuits and cakes, new dresses, shorts and bikinis from Katie and
Kirsty and most important of all a huge chocolate stash ! We really appreciate everyone who visits being very patient
with us and bringing out with them our endless lists of demands. Quiz Night Friday night is the infamous ‘Camomile’ quiz night
which started on the evening radio net to keep us amused at sea and has become
so popular it has extended into a weekly no miss event ! Last night we had a pontoon quiz with the whole rally
participating – everyone bought food and drink and a make shift table was
set up for the buffet. A special area, complete with chairs and spotlight, was also
set up for the quiz master and the teams. Sue conducted the quiz with the help of her new whistle to
keep us all under control. Team Jackamy and Gaultine(Australians) all dressed in
sarongs and wigs and called themselves ‘Sheila, Bruce and the
Pommies’ ! Our team was ‘Dutch Magic’ with Duco(dutch) and
Alden from yacht ‘Briet’. We managed a fantastic score of 3 out of 10. The only answer that I contributed was ‘Vivienne
Westward’ to the question ‘which designer was first known for her
bondage designs ?’ – I think that suitably impressed everyone with
my intellect ! Today we are leaving Tahiti for Cooks Bay, Moorea, just 30
miles away. |