Cochin, India
Position 09:59.12N 076:16.09E We are checked into Luckily we had the expert help of Naza, the local boat man,
who ran us ashore in his boat and escorted us through the complicated process.
Naza has also refuelled us by transporting diesel in jerry cans and transferring
it into our tanks, what a star. The first two photos show the distinctive Chinese fishing
nets along the approach to the harbour. We anchored in front of the Taj Malibar
hotel to complete our check in procedures before moving up the narrow channel
to the marina. The So Blue Magic has been treated to a good wash, it is wonderful
to be able to wash off all the encrusted salt from our last couple of trips as
we haven’t had running water available since before Christmas in
Thailand. However the highlight of the mooring is our new neighbour,
Millie, who comes to visit us from the yacht next door. The marina is a very new and is the only one in We are actually located on There is also another ferry that runs to We are planning to take a trip there tomorrow to wander the
streets and discover some of it’s history. |