Disgruntled in Lagos!
Position 37:06.00N 08:39.85W Tuesday 23rd June We left Sines at 7.00am this morning and rounded Cabo de Sao
Vincente at 2.00pm into the It has been a lovely day again and we polished all the
stainless steel/chrome during the trip only to get it splashed with salt water when
the winds picked up as we approached I really don’t like sailing with a clean boat, it’s
all too messy ! We checked in at reception in “That’s fine” we said, naively, “how
much is it?” “110 euros per night” came the reply. Wow, more than staying in a very nice hotel for the night,
we were shocked. “You can stay on the reception pontoon for the night
at our usual rates of 87 euros, if you like?” We left the pontoon shortly after to anchor comfortably in
the bay and Mark is washing all that nasty salt water off my sparkling chrome. We hope these prices aren’t the same throughout the
Algarve…… |