Play time in Spinalonga
Position 35:16.04N 25:45.46E (
subject to unexpected change ) Agios Nikolaos After arriving back in Crete in the early hours of Monday
morning we were amazed to find Blue Magic sparkling clean with the boarding
ladder in place ready for our arrival, all thanks to the Jackamy crew –
what stars ! It was lovely to see Paul & Derry along with Amy and
Jack and Lola, it is over 2 years since we were all together on the water in
far away lands. So, time to play ! Spinalonga Blue Magic and Jackamy left the marina on Tuesday morning on
route to Spinalonga lagoon just 10 miles along the coast. We have enjoyed a great couple of days together, swimming,
lunching, catching up with news and making the most of the sunshine. Lunch on Jackamy lasted a record 10 hours ! Well, it would have been rude to leave without participating
in Paul’s traditional Beans on Toast supper. Although traditional is not quite the right description on
this occasion since one tin of beans had to feed 7 so they were supplemented
with ‘boiled out’ tomatoes, kidney beans, brown sauce and chilli
flakes. Surprisingly good on the palette ! (Recipe
available on request) Walk about Thank goodness Jackamy were in the anchorage last night
because Blue Magic decided to go a-wandering again. With gusts of up to 35 knots our anchor became dislodged and
we dragged at frightening speed away from the anchorage. Paul was sat in his cockpit and noticed us take off, our
radio was off so Paul and Amy jumped in their dinghy and came alongside
shouting to wake us up ! All I have to say on this matter is that the GPS anchor
alarm on Mark’s Ipad is brilliant and has been tested extensively,
especially when Mark takes it ashore in the dinghy…. BUT it has to be
turned on to work – enough said ! And we joke about Jackamy losing their dinghy ? We waved good bye to Jackamy this morning, as the children
fly home later today, it was very sad to see them go but we hope to sail
together again next year. Plan C So back to Plan C…… The wind is continuing to gust and is not forecast to
decrease until Monday, so we are planning to head out on Monday morning and
sail overnight, to make up for lost time, to the Island of Idhra around 45
miles South East of the Corinth Canal. |