Paphos Port, Cyprus
Position 34:45.20N 32:24.51E 2nd October 2012 On leaving Tasucu we were caught out by a rain storm with
winds increasing to 36 knots, we had become complacent about the gentle breezes
and flat seas so it was a good lesson which soon knocked us into
shape again ! It was our first overnight passage for over a year and it
was wonderful to see the sunset and sun rise at sea. It was equally wonderful to catch my first fish in over 12
months in the Sorry about the photo but it was such a bad hair day that I
have censored the full view, but the fish was very pretty, a glistening blue
colour. We arrived early morning in the small Blue Magic is alongside the quay with 9 other rally yachts
rafted alongside, their access to shore is via an obstacle course across every
yacht. Puzzle, the cat, has no problem silently padding across all
the yachts for outings ashore ! Gavin has been a little treasure diving for lazy lines to
stabilise the raft and to take some pressure off Blue Magic. Yesterday we had a visit from some old friends, Pete &
Carol who sailed the World with us on their yacht ‘Bali Blue’. We enjoyed sausage sandwiches for breakfast together with
Sol Maria whilst planning a lunch out on Friday, a barby on Saturday and Carol
has also booked hairdressing appointments for Lica and I – how good is
that ? Pete is renamed ‘Pete the Postman’ as he has kindly
collected spare parts for us that we had delivered to Finally I need to mention the supermarkets, we can buy lots
of We have even discovered a small Marks and Spencer food
hall in town AND they have current buns. The freezer is now switched on….I wonder how many buns
it will hold ? |