Pay Back Time !
Position 06:08.10N 082:38.46E After enjoying some really good sailing in the sunshine, it
was pay back time yesterday when the wind increased and came around onto the
nose, the sky clouded over, the rain started and the seas built up and became quite
confused. Heading into the wind with waves rolling over us and the
motor struggling to make 5 knots against the elements for around 20 hours –
not fun ! It is almost impossible to move around the boat in those
conditions so we laid back and put on a couple of DVD’s. Thank goodness for the raised deck saloon so that we can
keep a look out from inside ! No blogs yesterday as we had several drips leaking inside
and salt water and PC’s just don’t mix. Another day of cuppa soup and good old Marks and Spencer
tinned Steak with beans and smash potato. Even a tinned dinner was challenging, Mark held the saucepan
while I attempted to mix the smash, the boat lurched and I was thrown against
the side of the galley and banged my head against the wooden handrail, giving
myself a gash above my eye. Dinner was adjourned until I had stopped the
bleeding and found the band aids ! The wind and seas have eased slightly during the night
however we have an adverse current that is continuing to ensure slow progress. Our ETA is Sunday – so only one more night at sea
before a good nights sleep - yippee |