Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Fri 16 Sep 2016 10:01
Day 7 Wednesday 14 Sept
We refuelled at Cagliari and then followed the coast along 26 miles to anchor in Malfatano.
We had one hour of glorious sailing, the first time the engine has been off in 7 days !
The Sardinian coastline is high and rocky, green and beautiful with villas nestled amongst the trees, overlooking the beach.
The anchorage is sand and, luckily, we are well dug in as we are surrounded by rocks !
Our anchor has obviously realised it's soon to be replaced and is attempting a last minute
We aimed to get an early night ready to leave at 4am on route to Mahon in Minorca, 221 miles and around 34 hrs.
It was not to be, we spent a restless night in a thunder and lightening storm with high winds and torrential rain !