Moored up in Salalah
Blue Magic
Mark & Chris Dewey
Fri 25 Feb 2011 07:32
Thank God – we are safely moored in Salalah. The quayside is a deserted waste land back by a huge hill of
grey crumbling earth and is the best site I have seen in quite a while ! We moored stern too and so I bought the boat in whilst Mark
set the anchor on the bow and then threw the lines to other ralliers ashore. The sense of relief hit me at that point and I burst into
tears, I might have done my hair but the face was a mess ! It has taken Mark 2 ½ hrs and lots of money to get checked
in and he has just returned, we have 5 mins to get ready to go to the Oasis Club
for a buffet dinner. Hey - forget the dinner – the best bit about tonight
will be going to bed and sleeping through the night knowing that we are safe ! |