
Knotty Girl
Sun 7 Aug 2016 17:05
We took off and for the first time had the right conditions to try our sails in "papillon mode" (both the jib and genoa on opposite poles). Since we only had seen once how to do this before we bought Knotty Girl, it took us a bit of time to set the sails right but we did it and it looked wonderful, yet given that we only had 9 to 10 knots, we did not sail very fast, only about 4 knots but it did not matter since we were not in a hurry (for once!¨). When we arrived in "Mongonesi " Roberto's friend, Vincenzo was waiving at us - he had "reserved" a mooring on a Greek Tavern quay - and given that we appreciated his gesture we moored there, "à la Greque" - meaning putting the anchor and then motoring back to the quay were Vincenzo was waiting for us to grab the back mooring lines. Vincenzo came on board to visit Knotty Girl and told us of a few of his "favourite" places in the Ionian Island since his wife, Julia and him had been touring them for about a month already. We invited Vincenzo and his wife and crew - A Russian woman and her Italian husband and daughter. Renée prepared an amazing tzaziki and Olga some nice feta pieces and Roberto the always welcomed "aperol spritz" and we had a wonderful time in Knotty Girl cockpit who easily welcomes 5 guests. Given that the quay we moored was privately own by the Taverna, we felt a moral obligation to go and have dinner there - even if our fridge was full ! It was a typical Greek Taverna and Renée and Kim tested their "XXX" , which in Olga's terms was a "ramequin au fromage" and "quiche aux épinard" !
To digest all of this we treated ourselves with Limoncello and a couple of biscuits.