ANTIGUA 17:04.60N 61:54.00W

Restless of Auckland
Roland and Consie Lennox-King
Sun 5 May 2019 17:07
We cleared into Antigua, and tied up to a mooring in Jolly Harbour marina. We were very glad to be in the Harbour, even more so as we heard that the winds were stronger and stronger out at sea, and we had found a lucky ‘weather window’. We filled up with water at 10 cents a gallon, and diesel.
Keir rented a car, and we went sightseeing around Antigua, stopping to look at Nelson’s Dockyard, where David had done a lot of the repair work some years ago, and where he had found 6 huge anchors from long ago. We went to Shirley Heights, and to some of the ruined forts, and boatyards with hurricane-damaged boats, before we dropped Keir off to return to Scotland.
The Antiguans love colour, perhaps the Caribbeans invented the colour wheel, they certainly spin it like nobody else does!
We met many of David’s friends, and they pointed out favourite dive spots, for when Olivia arrives, she loves to dive. Some came to dinner aboard, and we went to their homes. We met up with our friend Les from Bermuda at the Yacht Club.
We are getting ready for a visit from Olivia in a few days and we hope to sail around Guadeloupe, unfortunately Shenton could not get leave at this time.
After Livi leaves Gilbert, Pip, Emmeline and Frederick arrive, and we will sail to Grenada together, as we are booked to haul out Restless at Grenada Marine early June.

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