JULY 2018 DELTAVILLE TO NEW YORK 40:45.80N 73:57.0W

Restless of Auckland
Roland and Consie Lennox-King
Tue 17 Jul 2018 19:21
We arrived in Washington on 22 June, with our friend David from Scotland, and spent 2 nights in cousin Caroline’s apt. before driving in a rental car to Deltaville, where Restless was on the hard. Unfortunately, many of the jobs on the job list had not been done, so in a heatwave with daily temperatures in the 40sC we decided to do some of them ourselves. David and Roland antifouled Restless, and re-sealed the water tanks, contaminated the previous year in Canadian waters.
28 June Restless went back into the water, and we took her around the bay to check the systems were working. On 4 July we were anchored close to a mansion ashore that had a huge fireworks display for American Independence Day. The next morning we set off around the markers with Ospreys nesting a few feet away, and motorsailed 53 miles to anchor in the Solomons, and the following day another 46 miles to the Severn river, Annapolis. The next day we returned to Clements Creek, to visit friends Carol and John, who welcomed us to their home and we had a lovely meal together. The next day we motorsailed another 42 miles to anchor in the Sassafras river.
9 July The tides up the Chesapeake are very strong, and timing a passage through the Chesapeake-Delaware Canal is tricky, but we were stopped by a railway bridge in the middle of the Canal, waiting for a goods train, which meant that after 87 miles of motorsailing we arrived at 2300 at anchor in Cape May for a quiet night. The next day was another long passage of 116 miles from Cape May to Sandy Hook, and we arrived close to midnight with the lights of New York nearby.
11 July we motored through New York City, on a spectacular day, and anchored after 50 miles motoring near Consie’s twinsister Feyona’s old house in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. There were many small boats out racing, and several came past to say hello. Long Island Sound has hundreds of picturesque harbours and bays, with huge houses, and enthusiastic boaters. We are heading north to Newport, Mystic Seaport and another summer in Maine.